Saturday 7 June 2014




[meta-rough draft]



[the UN-internet clearance/pass/rating]


A. spy-grid <=> firewall <=> public-domain

SG     <=>   F <=> PD
SG     =>     F <=> PD
SG     <=     F <=> PD
SG     =>     F  =>  PD
SG     <=     F  <=  PD
SG     <=>   F  <=  PD
SG     <=>   F  =>  PD
SG     <=     F  =>  PD

B. firewall
[QUERY: computation]
[QUERY: array of error-functions + susceptibility]

C. attribution problem: unassigned / uncategorized OR resource / terminate

D. paradigm protectors
need to 'tame' so as to make implementable complementary solutions
resistance:- career-mode {preserve + propagate} APPLY learning co-efficient

how proportionally determinant are these /
how pertinent are these classes [accurate / precise / not necessarily]:


the formulating of
existing thoughts, opinions, preferences, considerations, strategies..
[applicable parametrisable determinant-factors]

aggregation of these
and dynamics of the aggregation of these

mind-control techniques

what are existing prime considerations

problem facing mankind:

existing classes of human interactions & communications

this cyphering-exchange-game [including actions]

the processes: this deadcode process & relations

the human understanding of this

Expending Energy: energy-distribution

:: the trickle-function => complex game theory
:: locked in multi-nodal-monopoly / oligarchic

how to optimize?

cant merely 'argue' : complementary solution


minimal make comprehensive:
parametrisable determinant-factors applicable to the formulating of 'decisions' (about 'problems') made up of the group/individual: aggregate / dynamic of the aggregate
to make least sufficient with like that of 'wanting to heal but unwilling to receive or unable to receive healing'

deadcode' and euphemising and such
refining, resolution-increase, distinction,

the trickle-function, its subtending from existing 'classes' and 'problems'

and all problems are surrounded by
[inflicting / making inducive/conducive / the actual method of technique to resolve , heal, fix]

which is this deadcode, the existing matrix resistance or the installed matrix surrounding the individual
then cypher-exchange-matrix

a lot of uncertainty & error & instability & retardation
a lot fixed & inherent


a lot about ownership & competing
a lot of do not care about these problems or resolving them
a lot still desire to inflict, abuse, exploit and so on..

MAKE CRYSTALLINE: APPLY [conformal, concordant, disjoint] SOLUTION over the existing conditions now



i. the capabilities and power to apply mind control devices/advanced technologies [see : Book: Project: Soul Catcher - Robert Duncan]

ii. have the capabilities and power to sacrifice and experiment and rape and torture and cannibalise individuals
iii. enforce unjust and unfair syndications
    trapping individuals, hacking their computers, interfering with their     relations [manchurian candidates]
iv. even hacking their own thoughts and movements, for nefarious reasons:
    kill/murder people, stage disasters, to cover the deficit of what in their eyes     is deemed a loss/reduction, or for revenge

QUERY: is there is an of array of error-functions for which to compute over?

i. for fulfilling wank-based desires
ii. for 'equalizing' deemed in hindsight as a loss or reduction of something regarded as of value
iii. for attenuating solutions / cover story / discarding their 'waste' by mapping energetic content and projecting and extending through chosen event/individual
[there is the case to which an existing error can be fortified/energized/tied-together to a given target for the purposes of iii.]
false-flag is having necessary traceability by virtue of semantics
    are these error-functions necessarily traceable by virtue of semantics?
v. individuals are equated to resource / terminate
vi. aggregation of syndicate has rapid convergence to: evil-person*unlimited-accounts [Vs ; +] good-person/all-you-can-eat
vii. to make it your duty, responsibility ; one must exhaust to the point of knowing that one knows, knows enough or does not know
=> SOLVE FOR: they will cull in addition & in accord to my lior suite


APPLY partition [spy-grid / firewall / cabbage-patch (public-domain)]
the psychology of the given individuals + the fractional perspective + set of {aim + intentions}

A. subtend about gru's communal-space
strategy / planning / basic fucking discussion
consider: reconciliatory
consider: conflicting-interest

B. subtend about cabbage patch:
the illusion / delusion
=> pure bifurcate craziness / extremities

C. what is our computation

one must take note of the actual operations, experimentation, projects that are taking place

i. morality
the psychology to which morality is bounded

how do you aggregate over a given operation or project to apply morality
=> inconsistency over faculties of reasoning

=> too much assumption: to assume application of moral-consideration

ii. faculties of reasoning
expand to {maintain + sustain concentric to a given project / operation}

iii. restriction-analysis over weight distribution / power
faculties of reasoning for individual | coordinate space or syndicate or group or team or the-layers-to-which..

=> compute over [asshole + double-asshole-A-bind] => [the vulnerability + the weakness + establish Order-of-Pole : Po' Factor]

iv. optimize with set of {aims + intentions}

=> homogenization : this is not a solution space

=> not necessarily about being only unnecessary, it being about transition [applicables + make-comprehensive]
default interpolations
damned-if-you-do/damned-if-you-don't | damned-if-you-do-analyse/damned-if-you-don't-analyse
the work, the process, procedure, clearing, purging, manifesting, the educating

fix Vs build anew / circumvent / negate
[MINIMIZE: danger , risk]
[MAXIMISE: learning]
[MINIMIZE: repetition of same-work]
[MINIMIZE: sacrifice, slavery, evil, retardation]

=> real solutions: {aims + intentions}-subtending about gru's communal





immediate contrast to 'public-domain'

public-domain cabbage-patch partition
spy-grid crazy-shit partition


directionality of transference/interaction

attribute applicable matrix computation / algorithm to directionals

limitation of faculty of reasoning around given individual


KEY: the multifocality of the TT
multidimensional order


recategorize + subcategorize:

spy-grid / firewall [matrix computation / algorithm] / public-domain [largely cabbage-patch]

negative factorial composition | negative spectrum point | negative dynamic-equilibrium..

psychology of individual [dispositions] | faculties of reasoning



evil-person+unlimited-accounts [Vs ; +] good-person+all-you-can-eat
child born into EMF noise experiences/knows of it as SILENCE
rate of change over 'psychology' limiting rate of change over 'story'
sainsburys, morrisons, tesco, asda, leos <=> richard-brandson-rape



"rated paedo-13" 

A. evil ritualistic magic : devices

class of people behind the controls: countably many people [controllers] with a control
class of people making the decisions

there are no real solutions
all possible real solutions are prohibited
intention: ego + pride only

B. disjoint classes of the perceptions

[experimenter / transcender of experimentation ; spy-grid / naive-grid]

4D time-lines
time line [past-present-future]

computation over interference of the respective time-lines and the respective tripartite state of each timeline with each and every other timeline tripartite segment..

considering the bilocality: bilocal perception [same time different space in same set of timelines or alternate/parallel reality]

C. computability:
what is computable
what is able to be made computable
[what is not able to be made computable]

D. what distinctions of ORDERs around things like sensibility or stupidity are applicable when comparing primitive warfare & 4D+ warfare [cybernetic warfare]

E. transitioning:
i. answers of the form similar to 'gematria-unlimited-rape' => 'gematria-9-rape'

ii. applicable vector classes & perceptual impact / influence / effect => plausible solution
is the case but is not necessarily the only case that is the necessarily the case

F.  retardation parametrics / variables

as 3 vector classes:
of opposition / enemy
of morality / the good-guy
of infighting / stupidity

G. formation + coordination of team
for learning / educating / teaching

filtration / process of elimination
secret & secrecy: fractional perspective
how can the dream-space function

upgrade: "there are no real solutions
all possible real solutions are prohibited
intention: ego + pride only"

H. Major Events / Portal Steps
the various distributions, summations, of 'good' waves & 'evil' waves
what is notable, possible, probable?

I. Disposition
The various states encompassing class of personalities, reasoning, recognition / awareness
Examing over our systems / processes + syndications / transforms

[my cogitation/recognition does not represent  the actual classes of 'our' forms of interaction + interfacing [it is like an imbalance]] + [fragmented minds of individuals.. psychopathic]

[want to minimize repeating myself when it comes to this]

how can this be sorted out better, is a point.. otherwise there is some gap..

    A. geometrization of adjectives in the form of _____ ? => [youtube-video] fjsh => _____ ?

J. Parenting + Cult Vs Crime/Crazy-Shit + Government

K. ni**a-functions + the curry-ratio + in white-timing => _____


buttonomics:- {butt-masonry butt-masonic butt-frequentialist butt-parity-projection butt-anomalous}

solve for butter

L.  4 < lock: set of ring-pass-knots < 5 < 12

    A. applied at a particular image-space to retain locality given specifiable     conditions
        [so this is not just physical, it is also astral and other such goop]
    teleportation technologies, cloaking technologies, nano-technologies
    2D-Beings: max 'all-you-can-eat' syndication
    voodoo style ritual to break bones and twist body for installing programs and contracts
    ritual abuse [extreme psychological trauma long & short duration, extreme     physical abuse long & short duration] [black sexual magic] + using shit, piss, semen.. / drugs / killing, raping, torturing, water-boarding, mutilating, poisoning, cannibalising, stalking, sacrificing, [including with animals], gang-stalking, villification, harassment, threatening, stealing..
    roll-playing, dressing-up + props [including 'dead' body parts] no privacy, all activities are monitored
    psychotronics, macro-applets and other technologies that run on all day,     synchronising me & thoughts & others knowingly or unknowingly [conduits for their attenuation]
    syndicate internet access, electricity, gas
    hacked accounts: email, shopping, youtube, websites, bank
    time-line preservation through 'cyphered' mode false flagging
    applying U-matrices or making up fictional characters to map evil actions to it & pretend that nothing happened or that the situation is resolved
    cyphering/synchronizing around any/every object/environment-space that is     around me
    [using doppelgangers, look-alikes, ..]
    weaving through dreamspace
    weaving through accounts
    weaving through tv programs
    weaving through all to that which is attributable to myself to attenuate or for other means such as in the form of evil actions
    forced into ownership of flats through business
    forced to participate in holiday based time-lines
    unable to have any coherent relationship or interaction + most will be susceptible to being glitched + restricted 'freedom'
    [eugenics + hyper-eugenics, architecture .. energy-mapping, all designs..]

    the class of people in a similar situation to me
    the class of people in a situation worse than me
    [countably many retards]
    a lot of minions susceptible to evil
    a lot of evil people
    structurally optimized for evil people + evil actions + not good people + not good actions / solutions

    to know the planes or spheres and intersections that make this type of     thing up

        acceleration = learning : MAXIMISE


    B. laws of manifestation
    QUERY: what are the ring pass knots of O(3D)
    QUERY: aggregative-functions contingent on laws of manifestation containing this 3. nature+AI


    {bias to evil inclination + no potentiate for good}
    + attenuate all real solutions
    + affiliate to umbrella-corp
    + non-affiliatory to umbrella-corp actions => MAX preservation
    + unassigned / uncategorized OR resource / terminate
    + lifetime career mode:- preserve + propagate
    CYCLE TRANSFORM: aggregate aim/intention around given cycles..


there is a big difference with spiritual ideology & reality



derive & define:


i. FIELD {± factorial composition.. / ± dynamic equilbrium.. / ± spectrum point..}
ii. recognition / awareness / remembrance
iii. modes of syndication
iv. susceptibility to mind-control devices / choice / decision / opinion / preference


set of psychological dispositions CORRESPONDING classes of conditions in the field

parametrisable characteristics of psychological disposition [collapsable coordinate point ; digitisable]

rate of psychological development: this has come to NO MATURITY over ALL cases

pattern: this is also INDUCTIVE MATHEMATICS triggered by threshold

working on INDUCTION to preserve & propogate

[susceptibility / exposure: mathematical, to 'play us off against each other' / to reduce maximally]

team removing this systematically & efficiently
given victim have a minimal moves for assistance + ready team


controllers / handlers : 'resource | terminate'

yield no trust + abusive [after reasoning, debate, discussion, open-discussion, mind-reading => communication to the extent of locally open/public]:

{insert all members of in relational-web}

=> the syndicate solutions around this have been prescribed for 'terminate subject' + 'we'll take whatever else we can from the host'

[similar to a victim lying unconscious on the floor for which all aggregate combinations of classes of people are at best stealing items from him]

=> BEING REDUCED TO: most are 3-steps away from induction into a governmental agency to assassinate
=> this has not changed

nature Vs artificial-matrix
free-will Vs artificial-matrix


A. personification of an aggregation of the group + the fractional incompleteness of the group
all possible aggregations of classes of individuals are reduced to this level of interaction/behavior/decision-making/planning
aggregate behavior + aggregate motive
inability to apply moral consideration

B. aggregation over the redeeming: Soul-Level aggregation + Individuals aggregation

C. fractional
the group structure: the fractional perspective of each within a group

D. fragmented

E. manifestation principles / hyper-geometric-eugenics (resistance) / control-grid

F. transaction algorithm

the fractional perspective
those who are inaugerating [masters and respective controllers/handlers & experts] & writing [determinant factors] a contract or syndication
substitutions + holding the space
permission coordinates [clearance] as a domain space then aggregate
this mining-filter / algorithm / computation
i. shareholding / fractional / scaling / compromise ['slush-fund' / gematria-unlimited-x => gematria-7-x..]
ii. attenuate solutions / attenuate error-function + preserve solution
iii. the coordinate transforms / bounds / restrictions [i.e. impossiblity for cohesiveness, teamwork]
to be a trojan horse is to uphold the truth whilst all aggregrate classes in power are blind-folding themselves, succumbing to the filth that they project/manifest/create [locking themselves out]


I. the extent to which individuals can reduce themselves over a given area of the surface-contour [set of conditions in the field] representing the soul-level aggregation

II. the fact that over our local psychological disposition we are able to cooperate and redeem over a soul-level
within the given classes

III. bigot . dogma . unwillingness . no catalyst before/after . career-mode: preserve+propagate rather than open+improve+accelerate

IV. choice to better:
mode of syndication
chosen direction / path

V. counter-math

how to distribute one's efforts in order to optimize transform / summation / mergence / alignments

how to not confuse solutions derived from mathematical modeling with those enforced through political / governmental functions [invariant characteristic weaknesses]

faulty logic

VI. mind control is the main problem

all existing people / aggregations of classes who have mind-control devices have necessary invariant weaknesses

incentivisation for truth = minimized
injecting 'stupid shit into world' and becoming subsumed/consumed by the 'stupid shit' repeat cycle..
optimized mind-control to remove all forms of health/functioning

how does or how can one process this and convert it effectively

the psychological disposition and the development
learning to improve and perfect: techniques & methods of evil & mind-control

something hasn't become permeable around this
not as a defence
but as a means of math and misalignment
[preserve+propagate | learn+recalibrate]

what is going on here ?

the contemplative disposition and the intuitable or constructive thought-processes in the class of retrieved thought-spaces

what are these spaces?

VI. VI. all solutions subtend from 'resource | terminate'
study: imposed solutions in the form of a set-of-interpolates
prerequisite: understand it as 'not acceptable' + comprised of bullshit-excuses aggregating as on the 'inverse-polar-opposite'
not acceptable: the defence of sampling the cabbage patch partition from the public-domain & deriving arguments..
not acceptable: subtending from bias/ fabricated/insufficient historicized trajectories

VI. VI. VI. [purging is already disease-like] + [neg-dyn-equi to less-neg-dyn-equi yield] + [public incentivised to be retarded]
nb. if a bandage is being removed from a wound it is best dealt with swiftly, otherwise it can cause more damage / unnecessary damage

set of rates of cycle : alignment / misalignment

VII. a bridge has formed

macrocosmic condition is specifically different => to be made pivotally different over what ?

VIII. to consolidate


X. a lot of wanting to kill alvin

§ 5. boom-boom: an assembly [walthamstow town hall + oxford town hall / chingford playground / chingford school hall + mission grove playground..] DONE

§ 6. what is happening to the countless [countably many] people under a syndication similar to mine ? what of all those with a 'terminate' contract after their 'slavery' contract has ended?
what of those being experimented on & tested on ?

potentiate classes of people who care or think they care are not going to be receiving the usual regular catalyst from any aggregative class
intuiting from existing aggregate classes is limited & yields few if any solutions

§ 66. the countably-many playing 'laws of secrecy' games are recognisable + bounded : i recommend strategic team work: semi-permeable <=> not brute-force fixing

§ 666. there are manifold applicable justifications & interpolates & methods & techniques THEREFORE understand with MATHEMATICS, PATTERN: INDUCTION, HOW THE FIELD CAN WARP, INVARIANCE, LEAST-SUFFICIENT, ORDER..


susceptibility + retrievable lions den with no retrievable aggregation of classes of individuals

it is math
it is learnable
it is simple
it is traceable
it is openly obvious

3-steps to ghandi: it is worthy of 'place importance upon' + 'minimal steps to attain' + 'for now'




Some people stand in the darkness
Afraid to step into the light
Some people need to help somebody
When the edge of surrender’s in sight..

Don’t you worry!
Its gonna be alright
‘cause I’m always ready,
I won’t let you out of my sight.

I’ll be ready (I’ll be ready)
Never you fear (no don’t you fear)
I’ll be ready
Forever and always
I’m always here.

In us we all have the power
But sometimes its so hard to see
And instinct is stronger than reason
It’s just human nature to me..

Don’t you worry!
Its gonna be alright
‘cause I’m always ready,
I won’t let you out of my sight.

I’ll be ready (I’ll be ready)
Never you fear (no don’t you fear)
I’ll be ready
Forever and always
I’m always here.


‘Cause I’m always ready
I won’t let you out of my sight!

I’ll be ready (I’ll be ready)
Never you fear (no don’t you fear)
I’ll be ready
Forever and always
I’m always here.

Forever and always
I’m always here.









"Jealousy is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection."



[these are more notes  in 1st draft that you may find of interest]


the glitching of memory

the supplanting of holograms / scripts / bots / contaminations / cyphering

the preserving of false-narratives or just plain-stupid stringing unrelated events together or phrases/words/actions and it being used as a means of a justification or some other form of transference of .. energetic matrix or/and calculated matrix transferences and transforms

there are many others in having this body distortion configuration type of remote labotomising for purpose of research, experimentation, and torture and training and occultic rituals and so on..

i'm gonna list this out

putting potato juice in the rice dream drink and then having someone on the other side of the fence with a large bag that would have had potatos in it
then some phrasing of 'getting the sack' or something to that effect

taking my kitchen knife, that is as katie hobbs, whether it be her, or a lookalike or someone mapped as the identity of her, and thereafter whether the individual be aware, remembering, under mind-control, able to recall the activity, is another matter
then on the other side of the wall and yelling at me, at the cutting of a tie, [as goes tie euphemasing and eugenics energetic-programming and possibly in additional 'buttafuoco' reference]
additional phrases of 'your the fall guy' and similar
after which her boyfriend walking up to the carpark of ann and also that which is where no4 pembroke road was given a council petition regarding anti-social behavior where a group like a foster home being badly run, being made up for the purposes of this false-flagging and abuse, even having official council letters pop through the door regarding meetings and what to do with them
so her boyfriend walking from that point, they grab my attention, and then walking back down the road saying something like 'now you know we're all assholes' or something like that.. in addition are phrases as 'confessions' .. admitting to killing, raping and murdering and torturing, .. revelling in 'getting-away' with it and expressing the truth of what they are doing basically, as though they have the right to do this whilst expressing it at me maliciously and aggressively
so they will be purging them out in this type of odd manner, which only a pack of idiots would perform, and that is exactly what is going on

whilst i am writing this, there is alternate time-line energetic trace of frances doing my mum's hair, into a pony-tale, like she is a student or something like that

the antique church alter that i bought, when it was delivered,
having a young black teenager take a chip off it
and him being a 'minion' for richard dawkins.. is the lacing

there are so many, this one has just purged today

fucking around the house and on the decking, all of these people, and as is said the further sacrificings.. blow jobs, orgies and everything else..

there is specific 'fucking-around' in which various portals are set up for them to access/use for their mapping and projecting
as is with the road and adjacent road being used in this way, also are the various rooms, including windows in the home, for which they will visit frequently to continue the narrative, and do an enactment
an example with an object: aman (under mind-control) walking into the house with a cleaning fluid and placing it by the ironing board and having it angled at me standing by this laptop, in which it is used as a means of surveillance and for other energy-transferences..
..many many many

there is mind-control over everyone & anyone that i am interacting with
so always susceptible to abuse or attack.. or these types of procedures

frances taking my passport for some sort of energetic-cyphering purposes
most likely for the facebook account syndication
which is used to lace the evil matrices and syndications
involving family and friends and so on..
they will take pictures in specific timing and have them encoded in line with what is going on
change pictures, they will have remote ability to either control me to move my body and limbs, or they will have my thoughts processing what they want or they will have it as similar to a telepathic suggestion and so on..

my pipe and guttering being blocked specifically
and then that being used for further narrative translations and as trajectories

applying warnings and notices for late payments on gas-bills then enacting outside my house with others with the 'final statement' paper
pretending it is to do with the 'prosecution' and all the murders/torturing/abuse/raping/sacrificing
projecting them onto myself, like it is my payment, my account, my tax, and so on..

arbitrary labelling of the council flat opposite as a prison cell so that they live in it for a day or so
and it is being defined as a prison sentence

so this also included many intelligence agencies foriegn and british monitoring and interacting in this type of manner

wearing cloaking devices and intruding .. mischief..
this is a very advanced technology

google account email address being hacked and any recipient was now under a false syndication
which involved further lacing of narratives
which were effectively a further facet of their entrapment
also incoming email blocked and filtered
making things up under different names of individuals

shopping orders are all laced
as of recently:
breaking mr organic olive oil + glitch + the supplier starts talking to me, asking if its ok, but lacing all other kinds of information and phrases and things in it ( a damned if you do / damned if you don't situation) + i say it is ok...
next minute i realise there is a shard of glass in my thumb.. [that is cloaking device or from him in the glitch-time-interval]
he is also asking if it is ok for my mum to be by the decking to do something.. [in the glitch-interval]..
so again another lacing or synchronised lacing of things.. [for which this energetic sequence with my mum is in the dream sequence that following night, which is preserving the false-flag meaning]

supplies where they put pieces of liver in my order then take it out and then give it to a family member
[as the labotomising and programming is encoded to install themselves into your body and organs and so on..]

more utterances like of no bread, it is imaginary space, hovis bread
and that is when there is the synchronised state of the sum-girls [bbc drama that had people past/present/future harrassing and stalking and villifying and more with regard to its content] further lacing unfortunately
so that laces itself in the dream state and on waking up more energetic transformations taking place
like of school children take the nuts from this flat and they retrieve them for the Ted guy who is marching off..

another time a delivery is sent is when the supplier asks me if it is ok with respect to some other food based order complication but it really being one of the Ted frontman saying 'your weak force' and then marching off ..

when there are items that are not available there is a translation also, at times, like my hand is becoming full again, the labotomised energetic twisting is completing so a banana is in place of the holy bible that i have, and there is some utterance outside from richard dawkins..
this is basically how it goes

sarah (cat) comes in the house a few days ago and she is as the blue guy in monsters university
chudnovsky (cat) comes in the house a few days ago and sniffs the food and it is now as a batch of old keys

lindsey davenport + question of sport
so this is seeming to be having a woven relation or set of events starting from the time we went to norway
where i was forced
and there was 100% pure ultra nate mk oddness

randall munroe i have also as a hack over this computer, and then further assisting in providing for more labotomised energetic evil and also or anyway, the further glitch-interval of interactions.. very unpleasant..
more taunting and harassment from that whole crew.. to the death abuse

[doing it for 'street cred' and doing it so i don't obtain 'street cred' apparantly]

when i was walking to the shops being stalked, harassed, villified under this synchronized mind-control
for days.. weeks.. months..
not only does it cause the severe anxiety, the actual psychotronic devices are energizing these parts of the body
and the voice-to-skull programs are optimized algorithms to cause much disorientation and pain
and of course further mind-control around anyone susceptible to this, a random stranger..

so this would take place anywhere i went, if i did or was able to leave the house
and at times, having to leave the house, because a glitch-interval of activity was being laced by most likely
groups including the supposed friends and family
running-a-muck, in their fancy dress and fucking about with this house and then leaving
so as goes with a day they will take out of their 'busy schedule' of pretending to be doing any good for humanity, they will have this computation and spend a minimal amount of time running through various enactments and then have it programmed to 'trickle' or 'slow-release' over whatever they designate [using advanced sophisticated quantum-computers]
take note and remember, that this technology and scripts are and have been in operation for many decades now, and are in their state of perfection, so these things are not consumptive for them .. it is not exhaustive rationalized planning..

this would include dream-weaving and contamination cyphering of objects and mapping activities to me and so on.. same.. same..

this is a glimpse into what is taking place on a mass scale and being used for far more sinister purposes that would otherwise not be able to take place
as are with major events that happen in the news and pretty much all news events
have this type of application running over them, that is why specific ones are chosen over others and so on.. that is why a world trade centre manages to fall to the ground meanwhile all of these technologies could not detect them.. total and utter bullshit.. this is where countably many many people are at with respect to the exposure and extent of what is going on.. planning it.. allowing it..

they get doppelgangers, look-alikes, or perhaps even the respective person
and do their own thing with them.. encorporating me..
further abuse, disorientation, confusion, humiliation, entrapment, and so on..

the tenants to my neighbouring flat to which i own
was pre-assigned by government and i was not allowed or able to do anything about it
in which they further perform false-flag type narratives and so on..

the last couple being australian as an example..
this neighbouring flat they have allocated as some form of their repetence .. of my rooms with a medical sofa they have used to be another mapping of themselves and myself and the sanity and so on..


they have covariance over specific people so
all to that which i purge is mapped upon the respective individual
usually for preservation of ego and for purposes of abusing and humiliation and things of this nature.. 'winning' ..
as is the case, where the respective person will 'win an award' or something of this nature..
or be recruited into some other government organization for the purposes of the labelling.. or relabelling..
so it acts like a pardoning or a caution when in actuality it is doing very little if anything but to preserve and retain and sustain and prolong
the status to which it is effectively as

quantum-computation is being used to create time-loop closed-loop conditions/interactions ..

intermittent.. van coming outside the house and beaming further microwave programming energies at the house .. upon my energy-field..

david cameron on a band wagon looking like he's just left or going to the london dungeons..
nice one david!
a bit of nigel farage and nick clegg mappings .. 'got to get some of that 'gru' transform' that has been the term defined for what has been effective as an upgrade of protocol or behavior..

so many other bizarre enactments involving the supposed friends and family

1. 5 teachers [inc. this balliol-4 crew] on the road playing musical chairs, after which the loser is then killed.. thereafter this is made into an article in the local oxford papers about a teacher who was mysteriously killed / found dead on the streets in oxford..
a video (now removed) has a fellow teacher investigating and querying it, with the same clothes that i have bought (for which the clothes were synchronised/syndicated over or energetically embedded with a different meaning for their accounts system)

2. the truthloader people (or lookalikes, or them on mind-control devices or an abstract-mapping) synchronised to when i am receiving a food delivery order, and also having TAMI device on me, where in effect the mapping is of the girl being 'clobbarella' from futurama; with them later entering onto premises and standing on the logs, with dawkins on the lawn, making his plea (as defendent) pretending it is a court of law (court of lior), after pleading guilty they forgive him and the girl masturbates over his face, then they run off..
later.. they are coming back drunk from a night out (maybe with 'steven') and hurling abuse at me, that i am labelled a 'jihad' or something to that effect, as they walk down pembroke road
later.. coming onto decking and passing objects from this side to the other, as progress takes place..

a young girl walking to my decking doors saying she wanted to help, only to be be captured by two of the guys.. having her left arm yanked, and then hacked off, as she cries out.. a day later, in a jolly manner, skipping sideways on the other side of the street with a prosthetic arm
always on mind-control are these things

3. placing sexual video & then taking this as evidence of 'indecent proposal' as allegation from faiza shaheen to me, and possibly implicating with tariq ramadam, so goes the script, and then other themes of 'it was a 'crime of passion'..
it was supposed to be proof of the improper allegation and so forth..

4. making a newspaper headline i think was written 'deadcode' on it
from something like the news of the world
then all of these professors running around this house
including richard dawkins taking a shit and reading this paper..


 example of a ning 'interpolate' that act like 'false-flag' or 'cover-up' or/& 'psy-op' are as 'chris-comish(cityofshamballa)-mariateresa-luciana-bonati-george-plachy' + 'alain-riant' + 'alisdair-boswell-gordon' + 'melodie-munroe' + 'amba' + 'tiara-kumara(childrenofthesun)' + 'ben arion'
+ spying/harassment/stalking/trauma-based abuse/lying/bribery+'lynching'/exploitation/entrapment + multiple attempts on my life including look-alikes of at least 4 of them being killed (sacrificed)
using a look-alike nasrin safai and 'disposing' of her = killing her
and dumping her in the nearby opposite council flat recycle bins before
fully having the body removed..

other 'satanic' ritualistic activity, sex-trafficking, sex-orgies, all involving children as the given.. the 'usual' cannibalising, and blood-drinking, and dark arts + magic..
performing cover-up activities which would involve i.e. placing a toy story martian upon my altar, going to 'laffertys', other embedded alibis and communicating through emails (for which my accounts and relationships are blocked/filtered to nobody but the likes of these people)
[extra: 'soulhealinggarden' sacrifices someone's 'wife' + others: 'taza' + 'rasanidi' + 'william dacey' + 'light-and-love'.. many others]

6. "friends" through email are assigned a lookalike and then stalk and confuse me, and perform more false-flag activity, often harmful and for purposes of leading to death
66. lookalike of my dad with mapped personality and mannerism and voice, all on mind-control, renacted sacrifice, killing and eating, on the road..
666. xx

7. of the 'holidays' of recent: india, norway, czech republic, .. having many many people on mind-control contracts/syndication, performing this type of 'script'..
advanced technologies..

8. adam nahum cannibalising at the end of this road, dead body parts thrown down water/waste mains pipes [there was some sort of 'mossad' phrasing going on from them..]
additional jeans blocked in other flats main water/waste pipes

9. poison, torture, mutilate, kill, eat my cat 'sophie'
involving ken o'keefe going 'berserk'
and in preparation before, richard krauss & richard dawkins running across my decking and breaking my fence down, hiding in the neighbours and saying 'we got your sophie' things to this effect, for which by now she was given a darpa-based account
after-which many other scenarios are played-out with her on mind-control
[my new cat was first given to me by him placed over the garage and sent to the neighbours for which they placed him on my side, he had already been specifically attacked and had a scar upon his head (symbolising this remote-labotomy/scar) and is still like the others used for this type of transference
[they had previously boiled alive a siamese cat (that symbolised my soul form their labelling i believe) and taken its skin off to feed mila outside my decking doors]]

10. fire in epping forest with 'evidence' being burnt

11.  MPs.. example of teresa may, interacting in the same manner.. entering into the house or taunting and extremely abusive.. making 'snow angels' motions on my bed and then walking outside and lifting skirt and saying 'i'm giving you heat'..

later of swinging knickers around her finger..

12. ex-cia guy, as a lookalike for dawkins, for whom performed a ted presentation, performing more of this also.. wiping ass on my bed sheets to create a 'streak'..

13. drawing a pint of blood from my arm and sipping it to quench their thirst

lookalike anrita melchizedek being fined for looking out for me , keeping watch whilst in a car opposite council flats + tiara kumara being fined for parking on a double-yellow, same place, different time..
[outside council flat]
similar to ex-CIA dawkins lookalike being fined for double-yellow line parking at front of road
my 'status' being mapped/attributed as a 'melchizedek' with this false-flag
outside child's playground:  tiara kumara + Cos + anrita melchizedek + solara an-ra + abraham of some other healing community, (either it is them, a lookalike, a proxy, ..);  they make accusations or hold a 'court of lior' fabrication: make things up, plan, false-flag
i send 1-email to anrita of 'sai baba holding a dove' + 'two other pictures' i cannot remember [note google account]
i send 1-email to Cos + Tiara with 'seu jorge' and 'city-of-god' the song.. [note google account]
inclusive/composite in coordinating/syndication for 'kidnapping' of children of anrita melchizedek
[note that as i am attibuted the 'melchizedek' "status" from them, they apply programs to it for which they attack me and accuse me over being this 'melchizedek'; a day ago it could be any other name for another purpose of their interpolate-false-flag scheme: these programs for which these 'coven' factions that are inductably operational through government/intelligence/military are of the order of 'i'm getting my piece of the pie', this compromise consequently/inherently/mathematically has with it an individual as 'sacrifice' or 'losing out' or 'working in slave mode'.. in this case it is her children being taken] 

[nb. the actual solara, anrita, abraham innocent, good & pure]
=> anrita deserves the justice of the returning of her children


..further examples, 'jesse venture' mapping as well, all over the shop..
[..arrest him.. simon says: arrest him!]
the queen & royals..
..graham norton + will-smith + jayden
stefan molyneux
ari of 2012-ning working for nsa
others on accounts/proxy/alter/mind-control: mehdi, russell brand, steven pinker, danny devito.. ++
(used for attenuating solutions or mapping/transference)

symbolically or inner-plane, 3rd eye imagery, 'chris comish' providing for sending the email project as flyers over a bridge in amsterdam [for which i was forced to go to a few years ago, with many many others so that further elaborate energetic-matrices and transferences could take place.. black-ops..]
a chinese restaurant flyer put through my letter box
3rd-eye imagery delivered to me: the oxford balliol college has some white-flag gun that shoots out of every window inwards in the back quad imaged upon my third eye as it is opening from the twisting
the phrase 'did you get that' ? as in .. did you get the joke and so on..

obviously the ted false-flag was most likely interwoven with sheldrake and hancock, and then they 'pussyout' and things similar to this, and then 'receive a pardon or a caution' under their same false-flag team

like just now, having frances and her supervisor or husband saying sorry we shouldn't have killed your dad or something on my decking, so that has its multiple interpretations [dad=414]

they constantly lie and create or wish to create or induce false-hope and so on.. and other forms of compliance as though they are 'changing' for the better ..
i do not trust anything that comes as reassurance or anything of that form
it is as is said, the sorry-script exists because it serves as a functional form of weaving and preserving and for nothing else, otherwise it would not exist,
they have had many people perform this type of thing, another additional form of abuse upon myself.. it is energized with the specific nuance of energy and personality and activating around the body to induce these feelings.. much like how a 'love-potion' or 'love-bite' would work in this manner

this entire computer, this account, and everything that is done on it, has a trojan or virus or script running almost all the time.. for which it will further be used to install itself upon my energetic state, so it is weaving with my body
and obviously this is happening on another level, to many people.. mind-control surveillance..
the public domain 'revelation' is facebook have been changing emoticons and some shit.. this is not anywhere fucking close to what is going on, and it is most unfortunate that people are so fucking on the retard with respect to this

videos i will watch are being utilised as syndicate respresentative, the latest one is of an australian girl during the pilger interview following a screening of them watching utopia [without mr pilger]
and around this time is also the mum from sum-girls and such and so on.. more false-narrative things
you know.. [there was similar with 'bad education' comedy.. and some other specifically chosen films that aired on the bbc, like surrogates, cool runnings, mean streets.. used for these purposes.. of lacing narratives and so on, harassment/stalking/vilification .. stupid abusive logic and attack argument .. at arbitrary labellings of myself and such.. (yawn)

all of these people are on mind-control protocols.. actors..

people in the 'main-stream' media/entertainment will have a control-handler relationship for which they will be subject to this syndication & mind-control protocol
most of the bbc programmes peoples have been around at one time or another
john urwin & sean stone cut me up into pieces and flush me down the toilet, that was a while ago, that was back when things were a little crazier [that was black-op technology & folding of 'physical'-dimensionality, most people would be dead]
[paid assassin]

jake barnett being used as frances' minion (or used as 'bartlett') a new recruit to train.. at me..
['f-a-q' (f-accused) titled letters sent to me for which sajid on mind-control performs 'return-to-sender', it acting as the attenuation of]

and of course seth mcfarlane and his double-negative crew also a similar experience

obviously the other one is the actual physical labotomy, where there is a guy running at 'full pelt' driving the implement into my head.. [it may have happened to me in which the fabric of the reality is folded given this dimensionality ; also there is in addition the performing it on an individual/victim and then them walking about with this implement jutting out of their head around here..]

[take note that there are cloaking technologies and meta-material that are now only just being introduced into the public domain
and also take note that black-box and subnet devices are now being introduced similarly meaning that there have been extensive experimentations going on, without doubt, and it is far more advanced and potentially dangerous to individuals and for creating 'unpleasant outcomes' on a scale otherwise impossible, for which it is already serving. any justification for labotomising is not declaring the truth of what it is and what it is used for, you are being misled, it is for these purposes outlined and similar..

an understanding of hyperdimensionality or hypergeometry would help, even a mere acceptance of it..]

[because these are in the glitch-interval time zone, it is difficult at times to know what degree of physicality this is active over]

the other odd one was a black guy who comes to the house and then nicholas ben davison cuts his leg off whilst he is on mind control then he hops off and then he is taken off the mind control and you hear him crying out as he dies basically .. bleeds to death.. [the guy is chosen under particular characterstics, meta-data, it might be, like he's been cheating on his wife for example amongst other things..]

this is one example of many.. [..killing spree training exercises anyone? with no trace or recollection?]

[these are not lucid dreams or apparitions, these are physical, it is the space to which it is operating over..]

we have people in respective places on 100% bullshit basically

an individual citing the lack of evidence would be a joke
it is more the fact that many individuals are interacting and knowing up to a point in which it is as has been said, fractional and fragmented + have no empathy or care whatsoever or respect .. cold-blooded & heartless

given the nature of the relationship to which these individuals are susceptible to
the people, the mind-control devices, their accounts, proxy-accounts or phoney accounts,

examples in government
teresa may activities are by the asda far carpark exit road, carrying the 'fichte to nietzsche' book (that andrew gave me).. with the ascribing of 'kuhn' 'no ceasefine' .. after on front of orford 'i'm head of CID' in a march/stomp and i don't care about chi'
then.. i was born to do this' + 'i've aligned with the gematria' .. as she is sitting on my chair outside on the decking, in a time-delayed lapse with me..
[this asda lock-down scenario was another opportunity for much to resolved but
1. directly supporting terrorism and other illegal activity, through this pre-planning
2. carrying out this extravagant/elaborate abusive/terrorising/ harassment/torture/assassination/false-flag/sacrificing-men-women-children-animals on innocent people like me
3. stopping any solutions from being implemented
4. to those for whom they have responsibility over, their authority, their jurisdiction, their discretion, their discernment, their power, instructing to follow these orders, implement this
5. to maintain and sustain this which is a lot of effort & 'desperation'
6. transform has only occured due to non-local & disjoint individuals like myself

harriet harmen.. and her vampire friends and family roaming around this house and onto premises..
embedding of 'i like the idea of a caliphate' 'we need competition' or 'its good competition'.. this is a while back.. though it reveals now
+ then now at front of orford 'i didn't mean that, it was to test.. '
'my dad always told me to do whatever it takes to keep my job..'
+ ed + her now on other side at neighbours.. indicating it as a completion


the answer is C. They are a COVEN: a coven is a gathering of witches.

+ george obsorne
+ ed milliband as a pastor but also as a dracula..
+ barack o'bama sends blue-screen 'of death' to this computer = boot-sector virus = tying left shoe-laces to right foot.. weaves bodies energetic field lines to cross over .. like 'little mermaid'..
+ vladimir putin cuts off in etheric/astral plane the right-ear + right kidney and i think the right soul of foot = cyphered as calling 'sharon'
+ fbi section the place.. fill nose with glue unless it be in imaginary and it be one of transform..
+ CID inductably useless, one-way-flow filter

deaths of
girl on honeymoon to mauritius gets killed by police
husband of lady on bbc programme gets killed by somali pirates
rick mayal death
robin williams death

..too many mappings

the donate buttons, bitcoin and paypal accounts are hacked
and so are all of my emails
so i do not receive any incoming email or any ability to receive payment or anything like this

they will most likely have a covariance over one of these c*, the bitcoin was mapped over dawkins, i know.. 
my account passwords are changed and i am having to make new ones in which in doing so a new contract is drawn for their benefit ..intervened using nano-technology/quantum-computer/sophistic-technologies with a new contract

and the houses are as installed matrices for the purposes of..
energetic portals and characteristics for continual drop-box like activity.. slow-release.. and such..

mind-controlling my neighbours (+2 number), and further lacing their activities around there
and so on.. exhaustive..
eating food and so on..
timed phrases and activities..
they do not have any recollection
further parties and most likely sacrifices at some point..

a lot of taunting.. that is the forte..

squirrel came over with a nut and showed it to me
fox came onto the garden looking at me after doing a poo on the lawn
bird came on the telephone wire and sang to me

churchill the old neighbours cat was given various names to further lace the 'cat-dimensional dynamic' the cat-euphamisings

every action that i am performing is is having an applicable 'sharehold' attributed to it + is being mapped to a covariant individual pretty much, necessarily an asshole basically
to note that it is not anyone else, it is specifically these people

there is limitation, specific restriction, triggers, when it comes to team-work, cooperation, friends, anything that would not have one subjected to this stupidity of a 24-7 mind-hack reality .. so not a single conversation has been spoken over the course of so many years
and to which i query the worth of studying with master thoth and other things alike..

there is inability to arrive at cohesiveness, teamwork, compatibility with individuals who are of good-will and good-intent and willing to serve as honest and pure beings, not for experimentation, torture, abuse, and all the rest of it, the rape, and mutilation and trauma-inducing..

=> there needs to be strict regulation around this elaborate, superfluous, luxurious and sadistic entertainment being applied to everyone: from the vulnerable individuals to the many

youtube channel has various filters overlay to control dynamic of exchange

applying boasting and gloating at their strategy being called sekhmet

in addition to being mapped as sonia poulton , also as estulin, and emmerson and others.. everyone..

i just had a new image upon the 3rd eye purging of lord leveson stealing my E45 cream and the phrase 'robber' being spoken as he picks up a big bag (moochin sack) and walks off..
this government = shadow-government

[this is the local to what has occurred over the last year or two.. where i have kept myself confined to this flat given the absurdity of the relentlessness..
in the years before this, where i was in places like balliol and chingford and so on.. throughout the entire life, things have been on another level of fucking wrong.. 

besides this proxy scamming syndicate what of the actuality of the levels and degrees of paedophilia/necrophilia/cannabilism/satanic-rituals+abuse/torture .. the rings.. networks.. markets..
..most of the people are not able to remember the extent of how things escalate: fragmented + fractional remembrance & perspective; they cannot make informed decisions or learn under such conditions and that goes for the so-called 'experts'

QUERY: who is actually experienced in the field that has a memory in tact to know how to make intelligent decisions?
{the 'knows too much' therefore 'terminate' routine is under what class (of retards)?}]
 i close with this:


two specific Lords that i have been working with, Sai Baba & Lord Maitreya
who have assisted in protecting me, and guiding me across this..
there are few if any human beings able to survive this threshold of evil that is being put into operation on this scale

start acknowledging this dynamic of activity seriously, it is needing to be put to a stop => urgent

the drama-queen





An experimenter puts 5 monkeys in a large cage. High up at the top of the cage, well beyond the reach of the monkeys, is a bunch of bananas. Underneath the bananas is a ladder.
The monkeys immediately spot the bananas and one begins to climb the ladder. As he does, however, the experimenter sprays him with a stream of cold water. Then, he proceeds to spray each of the other monkeys.
The monkey on the ladder scrambles off. And all 5 sit for a time on the floor, wet, cold, and bewildered. Soon, though, the temptation of the bananas is too great, and another monkey begins to climb the ladder. Again, the experimenter sprays the ambitious monkey with cold water and all the other monkeys as well. When a third monkey tries to climb the ladder, the other monkeys, wanting to avoid the cold spray, pull him off the ladder and beat him.
Now one monkey is removed and a new monkey is introduced to the cage. Spotting the bananas, he naively begins to climb the ladder. The other monkeys pull him off and beat him.
Here’s where it gets interesting. The experimenter removes a second one of the original monkeys from the cage and replaces him with a new monkey. Again, the new monkey begins to climb the ladder and, again, the other monkeys pull him off and beat him – including the monkey who had never been sprayed.

By the end of the experiment, none of the original monkeys were left and yet, despite none of them ever experiencing the cold, wet, spray, they had all learned never to try and go for the bananas.